Potential Societal Biases of ChatGPT in Higher Education: A Scoping Review

Ming Li, Ariunaa Enkhtur, Beverley Anne Yamamoto, Fei Cheng

ChatGPT and other Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) models tend to inherit and even amplify prevailing societal biases as they are trained on large amounts of existing data. Given the increasing usage of ChatGPT and other GAI by students, faculty members, and staff in higher education institutions (HEIs), there is an urgent need to examine the ethical issues involved such as its potential biases. In this scoping review, we clarify the ways in which biases related to GAI in higher education settings have been discussed in recent academic publications and identify what type of potential biases are commonly reported in this body of literature. We searched for academic articles written in English, Chinese, and Japanese across four main databases concerned with GAI usage in higher education and bias. Our findings show that while there is an awareness of potential biases around large language models (LLMs) and GAI, the majority of articles touch on ``bias'' at a relatively superficial level. Few identify what types of bias may occur under what circumstances. Neither do they discuss the possible implications for the higher education, staff, faculty members, or students. There is a notable lack of empirical work at this point, and we call for higher education researchers and AI experts to conduct more research in this area.

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