Scalable CP Decomposition for Tensor Learning using GPU Tensor Cores

Zeliang Zhang, Zhuo Liu, Susan Liang, Zhiyuan Wang, Yifan Zhu, Chen Ding, Chenliang Xu

CP decomposition is a powerful tool for data science, especially gene analysis, deep learning, and quantum computation. However, the application of tensor decomposition is largely hindered by the exponential increment of the computational complexity and storage consumption with the size of tensors. While the data in our real world is usually presented as trillion- or even exascale-scale tensors, existing work can only support billion-scale scale tensors. In our work, we propose the Exascale-Tensor to mitigate the significant gap. Specifically, we propose a compression-based tensor decomposition framework, namely the exascale-tensor, to support exascale tensor decomposition. Then, we carefully analyze the inherent parallelism and propose a bag of strategies to improve computational efficiency. Last, we conduct experiments to decompose tensors ranging from million-scale to trillion-scale for evaluation. Compared to the baselines, the exascale-tensor supports 8,000x larger tensors and a speedup up to 6.95x. We also apply our method to two real-world applications, including gene analysis and tensor layer neural networks, of which the numeric results demonstrate the scalability and effectiveness of our method.

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