Received Signal and Channel Parameter Estimation in Molecular Communications

O. Tansel Baydas, Ozgur B. Akan

Molecular communication (MC) is a paradigm that employs molecules as information transmitters, hence, requiring unconventional transceivers and detection techniques for the Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT). In this study, we provide a novel MC model that incorporates a spherical transmitter and receiver with partial absorption. This model offers a more realistic representation than receiver architectures in literature, e.g. passive or entirely absorbing configurations. An optimization-based technique utilizing particle swarm optimization (PSO) is employed to accurately estimate the cumulative number of molecules received. This technique yields nearly constant correction parameters and demonstrates a significant improvement of 5 times in terms of root mean square error (RMSE). The estimated channel model provides an approximate analytical impulse response; hence, it is used for estimating channel parameters such as distance, diffusion coefficient, or a combination of both. We apply iterative maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) for the parameter estimation, which gives consistent errors compared to the estimated Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (CLRB).

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