Offline Skill Generalization via Task and Motion Planning

Shin Watanabe, Geir Horn, Jim Tørresen, Kai Olav Ellefsen

This paper presents a novel approach to generalizing robot manipulation skills by combining a sampling-based task-and-motion planner with an offline reinforcement learning algorithm. Starting with a small library of scripted primitive skills (e.g. Push) and object-centric symbolic predicates (e.g. On(block, plate)), the planner autonomously generates a demonstration dataset of manipulation skills in the context of a long-horizon task. An offline reinforcement learning algorithm then extracts a policy from the dataset without further interactions with the environment and replaces the scripted skill in the existing library. Refining the skill library improves the robustness of the planner, which in turn facilitates data collection for more complex manipulation skills. We validate our approach in simulation, on a block-pushing task. We show that the proposed method requires less training data than conventional reinforcement learning methods. Furthermore, interaction with the environment is collision-free because of the use of planner demonstrations, making the approach more amenable to persistent robot learning in the real world.

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