Recursive Rigid-Body Dynamics Algorithms for Systems with Kinematic Loops

Matthew Chignoli, Nicholas Adrian, Sangbae Kim, Patrick M. Wensing

We propose a novel approach for generalizing the following rigid-body dynamics algorithms: Recursive Newton-Euler Algorithm, Articulated-Body Algorithm, and Extended-Force-Propagator Algorithm. The classic versions of these recursive algorithms require systems to have an open chain structure. Dealing with closed-chains has, conventionally, required different algorithms. In this paper, we demonstrate that the classic recursive algorithms can be modified to work for closed-chain mechanisms. The critical insight of our generalized algorithms is the clustering of bodies involved in local loop constraints. Clustering bodies enables loop constraints to be resolved locally, i.e., only when that group of bodies is encountered during a forward or backward pass. This local treatment avoids the need for large-scale matrix factorization. We provide self-contained derivations of the algorithms using familiar, physically meaningful concepts. Overall, our approach provides a foundation for simulating robotic systems with traditionally difficult-to-simulate designs, such as geared motors, differential drives, and four-bar mechanisms. The performance of our library of algorithms is validated numerically in C++ on various modern legged robots: the MIT Mini Cheetah, the MIT Humanoid, the UIUC Tello Humanoid, and a modified version of the JVRC-1 Humanoid. Our algorithms are shown to outperform state-of-the-art algorithms for computing constrained rigid-body dynamics.

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