Joint Diffusion: Mutual Consistency-Driven Diffusion Model for PET-MRI Co-Reconstruction

Taofeng Xie, Zhuo-Xu Cui, Chen Luo, Huayu Wang, Congcong Liu, Yuanzhi Zhang, Xuemei Wang, Yanjie Zhu, Qiyu Jin, Guoqing Chen, Yihang Zhou, Dong Liang, Haifeng Wang

Positron Emission Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (PET-MRI) systems can obtain functional and anatomical scans. PET suffers from a low signal-to-noise ratio. Meanwhile, the k-space data acquisition process in MRI is time-consuming. The study aims to accelerate MRI and enhance PET image quality. Conventional approaches involve the separate reconstruction of each modality within PET-MRI systems. However, there exists complementary information among multi-modal images. The complementary information can contribute to image reconstruction. In this study, we propose a novel PET-MRI joint reconstruction model employing a mutual consistency-driven diffusion mode, namely MC-Diffusion. MC-Diffusion learns the joint probability distribution of PET and MRI for utilizing complementary information. We conducted a series of contrast experiments about LPLS, Joint ISAT-net and MC-Diffusion by the ADNI dataset. The results underscore the qualitative and quantitative improvements achieved by MC-Diffusion, surpassing the state-of-the-art method.

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