Distance-Only Task Orchestration Algorithm for Energy Efficiency in Satellite-Based Mist Computing

Messaoud Babaghayou, Noureddine Chaib, Leandros Maglaras, Yagmur Yigit, Mohamed Amine Ferrag

This paper addresses the challenge of efficiently offloading heavy computing tasks from ground mobile devices to the satellite-based mist computing environment. With ground-based edge and cloud servers often being inaccessible, the exploitation of satellite mist computing becomes imperative. Existing offloading algorithms have shown limitations in adapting to the unique characteristics of heavy computing tasks. Thus, we propose a heavy computing task offloading algorithm that prioritizes satellite proximity. This approach not only reduces energy consumption during telecommunications but also ensures tasks are executed within the specified timing constraints, which are typically non-time-critical. Our proposed algorithm outperforms other offloading schemes in terms of satellites energy consumption, average end-to-end delay, and tasks success rates. Although it exhibits a higher average VM CPU usage, this increase does not pose critical challenges. This distance-based approach offers a promising solution to enhance energy efficiency in satellite-based mist computing, making it well-suited for heavy computing tasks demands.

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