Learning with Noisy Low-Cost MOS for Image Quality Assessment via Dual-Bias Calibration

Lei Wang, Qingbo Wu, Desen Yuan, King Ngi Ngan, Hongliang Li, Fanman Meng, Linfeng Xu

Learning based image quality assessment (IQA) models have obtained impressive performance with the help of reliable subjective quality labels, where mean opinion score (MOS) is the most popular choice. However, in view of the subjective bias of individual annotators, the labor-abundant MOS (LA-MOS) typically requires a large collection of opinion scores from multiple annotators for each image, which significantly increases the learning cost. In this paper, we aim to learn robust IQA models from low-cost MOS (LC-MOS), which only requires very few opinion scores or even a single opinion score for each image. More specifically, we consider the LC-MOS as the noisy observation of LA-MOS and enforce the IQA model learned from LC-MOS to approach the unbiased estimation of LA-MOS. In this way, we represent the subjective bias between LC-MOS and LA-MOS, and the model bias between IQA predictions learned from LC-MOS and LA-MOS (i.e., dual-bias) as two latent variables with unknown parameters. By means of the expectation-maximization based alternating optimization, we can jointly estimate the parameters of the dual-bias, which suppresses the misleading of LC-MOS via a gated dual-bias calibration (GDBC) module. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first exploration of robust IQA model learning from noisy low-cost labels. Theoretical analysis and extensive experiments on four popular IQA datasets show that the proposed method is robust toward different bias rates and annotation numbers and significantly outperforms the other learning based IQA models when only LC-MOS is available. Furthermore, we also achieve comparable performance with respect to the other models learned with LA-MOS.

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