FLASC: A Flare-Sensitive Clustering Algorithm: Extending HDBSCAN* for Detecting Branches in Clusters

D. M. Bot, J. Peeters, J. Liesenborgs, J. Aerts

We present FLASC, an algorithm for flare-sensitive clustering. Our algorithm builds upon HDBSCAN* -- which provides high-quality density-based clustering performance -- through a post-processing step that differentiates branches within the detected clusters' manifold, adding a type of pattern that can be discovered. Two variants of the algorithm are presented, which trade computational cost for noise robustness. We show that both variants scale similarly to HDBSCAN* in terms of computational cost and provide stable outputs using synthetic data sets, resulting in an efficient flare-sensitive clustering algorithm. In addition, we demonstrate the algorithm's benefit in data exploration over HDBSCAN* clustering on two real-world data sets.

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