LongStory: Coherent, Complete and Length Controlled Long story Generation

Kyeongman Park, Nakyeong Yang, Kyomin Jung

A human author can write any length of story without losing coherence. Also, they always bring the story to a proper ending, an ability that current language models lack. In this work, we present the LongStory for coherent, complete, and length-controlled long story generation. LongStory introduces two novel methodologies: (1) the long and short-term contexts weight calibrator (CWC) and (2) long story structural positions (LSP). The CWC adjusts weights for long-term context Memory and short-term context Cheating, acknowledging their distinct roles. The LSP employs discourse tokens to convey the structural positions of a long story. Trained on three datasets with varied average story lengths, LongStory outperforms other baselines, including the strong story generator Plotmachine, in coherence, completeness, relevance, and repetitiveness. We also perform zero-shot tests on each dataset to assess the model's ability to predict outcomes beyond its training data and validate our methodology by comparing its performance with variants of our model.

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