Coordinate-based Neural Network for Fourier Phase Retrieval

Tingyou Li, Zixin Xu, Yong S. Chu, Xiaojing Huang, Jizhou Li

Fourier phase retrieval is essential for high-definition imaging of nanoscale structures across diverse fields, notably coherent diffraction imaging. This study presents the Single impliCit neurAl Network (SCAN), a tool built upon coordinate neural networks meticulously designed for enhanced phase retrieval performance. Bypassing the pitfalls of conventional iterative methods, which frequently face high computational loads and are prone to noise interference, SCAN adeptly connects object coordinates to their amplitude and phase within a unified network in an unsupervised manner. While many existing methods primarily use Fourier magnitude in their loss function, our approach incorporates both the predicted magnitude and phase, enhancing retrieval accuracy. Comprehensive tests validate SCAN's superiority over traditional and other deep learning models regarding accuracy and noise robustness. We also demonstrate that SCAN excels in the ptychography setting.

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