An HCAI Methodological Framework: Putting It Into Action to Enable Human-Centered AI

Wei Xu, Zaifeng Gao, Marvin Dainoff

Human-centered AI (HCAI), as a design philosophy, advocates prioritizing humans in designing, developing, and deploying intelligent systems, aiming to maximize the benefits of AI technology to humans and avoid its potential adverse effects. While HCAI has gained momentum, the lack of guidance on methodology in its implementation makes its adoption challenging. After assessing the needs for a methodological framework for HCAI, this paper first proposes a comprehensive and interdisciplinary HCAI methodological framework integrated with seven components, including design goals, design principles, implementation approaches, design paradigms, interdisciplinary teams, methods, and processes. THe implications of the framework are also discussed. This paper also presents a "three-layer" approach to facilitate the implementation of the framework. We believe the proposed framework is systematic and executable, which can overcome the weaknesses in current frameworks and the challenges currently faced in implementing HCAI. Thus, the framework can help put it into action to develop, transfer, and implement HCAI in practice, eventually enabling the design, development, and deployment of HCAI-based intelligent systems.

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