Resfusion: Prior Residual Noise embedded Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models

Shi Zhenning, Dong Changsheng, Pan Bin, Xie Xueshuo, He Along, Qu Qiaoying, Li Tao

Recently, Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models have been widely used in image segmentation, by generating segmentation masks conditioned on the input image. However, previous works can not seamlessly integrate existing end-to-end models with denoising diffusion models. Existing research can only select acceleration steps based on experience rather than calculating them specifically. Moreover, most methods are limited to small models and small-scale datasets, unable to generalize to general datasets and a wider range of tasks. Therefore, we propose Resfusion with a novel resnoise-diffusion process, which gradually generates segmentation masks or any type of target image, seamlessly integrating state-of-the-art end-to-end models and denoising diffusion models. Resfusion bridges the discrepancy between the likelihood output and the ground truth output through a Markov process. Through the novel smooth equivalence transformation in resnoise-diffusion process, we determine the optimal acceleration step. Experimental results demonstrate that Resfusion combines the capabilities of existing end-to-end models and denoising diffusion models, further enhancing performance and achieving outstanding results. Moreover, Resfusion is not limited to segmentation tasks, it can easily generalize to any general tasks of image generation and exhibit strong competitiveness.

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