Ontology Learning Using Formal Concept Analysis and WordNet

Bryar A. Hassan

Manual ontology construction takes time, resources, and domain specialists. Supporting a component of this process for automation or semi-automation would be good. This project and dissertation provide a Formal Concept Analysis and WordNet framework for learning concept hierarchies from free texts. The process has steps. First, the document is Part-Of-Speech labeled, then parsed to produce sentence parse trees. Verb/noun dependencies are derived from parse trees next. After lemmatizing, pruning, and filtering the word pairings, the formal context is created. The formal context may contain some erroneous and uninteresting pairs because the parser output may be erroneous, not all derived pairs are interesting, and it may be large due to constructing it from a large free text corpus. Deriving lattice from the formal context may take longer, depending on the size and complexity of the data. Thus, decreasing formal context may eliminate erroneous and uninteresting pairs and speed up idea lattice derivation. WordNet-based and Frequency-based approaches are tested. Finally, we compute formal idea lattice and create a classical concept hierarchy. The reduced concept lattice is compared to the original to evaluate the outcomes. Despite several system constraints and component discrepancies that may prevent logical conclusion, the following data imply idea hierarchies in this project and dissertation are promising. First, the reduced idea lattice and original concept have commonalities. Second, alternative language or statistical methods can reduce formal context size. Finally, WordNet-based and Frequency-based approaches reduce formal context differently, and the order of applying them is examined to reduce context efficiently.

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