EAFP-Med: An Efficient Adaptive Feature Processing Module Based on Prompts for Medical Image Detection

Xiang Li, Long Lan, Husam Lahza, Shaowu Yang, Shuihua Wang, Wenjing Yang, Hengzhu Liu, Yudong Zhang

In the face of rapid advances in medical imaging, cross-domain adaptive medical image detection is challenging due to the differences in lesion representations across various medical imaging technologies. To address this issue, we draw inspiration from large language models to propose EAFP-Med, an efficient adaptive feature processing module based on prompts for medical image detection. EAFP-Med can efficiently extract lesion features of different scales from a diverse range of medical images based on prompts while being flexible and not limited by specific imaging techniques. Furthermore, it serves as a feature preprocessing module that can be connected to any model front-end to enhance the lesion features in input images. Moreover, we propose a novel adaptive disease detection model named EAFP-Med ST, which utilizes the Swin Transformer V2 - Tiny (SwinV2-T) as its backbone and connects it to EAFP-Med. We have compared our method to nine state-of-the-art methods. Experimental results demonstrate that EAFP-Med ST achieves the best performance on all three datasets (chest X-ray images, cranial magnetic resonance imaging images, and skin images). EAFP-Med can efficiently extract lesion features from various medical images based on prompts, enhancing the model's performance. This holds significant potential for improving medical image analysis and diagnosis.

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