BDD for Complete Characterization of a Safety Violation in Linear Systems with Inputs

Manish Goyal, David Bergman, Parasara Sridhar Duggirala

The control design tools for linear systems typically involves pole placement and computing Lyapunov functions which are useful for ensuring stability. But given higher requirements on control design, a designer is expected to satisfy other specification such as safety or temporal logic specification as well, and a naive control design might not satisfy such specification. A control designer can employ model checking as a tool for checking safety and obtain a counterexample in case of a safety violation. While several scalable techniques for verification have been developed for safety verification of linear dynamical systems, such tools merely act as decision procedures to evaluate system safety and, consequently, yield a counterexample as an evidence to safety violation. However these model checking methods are not geared towards discovering corner cases or re-using verification artifacts for another sub-optimal safety specification. In this paper, we describe a technique for obtaining complete characterization of counterexamples for a safety violation in linear systems. The proposed technique uses the reachable set computed during safety verification for a given temporal logic formula, performs constraint propagation, and represents all modalities of counterexamples using a binary decision diagram (BDD). We introduce an approach to dynamically determine isomorphic nodes for obtaining a considerably reduced (in size) decision diagram. A thorough experimental evaluation on various benchmarks exhibits that the reduction technique achieves up to $67\%$ reduction in the number of nodes and $75\%$ reduction in the width of the decision diagram.

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