Mathematical Modelling and a Numerical Solution for High Precision Satellite Ephemeris Determination

Aravind Gundakaram, Abhirath Sangala, Aditya Sai Ellendula, Prachi Kansal, Lanii Lakshitaa, Suchir Reddy Punuru, Nethra Naveen, Sanjitha Jaggumantri

In this paper, we develop a high-precision satellite orbit determination model for satellites orbiting the Earth. Solving this model entails numerically integrating the differential equation of motion governing a two-body system, employing Fehlberg's formulation and the Runge-Kutta class of embedded integrators with adaptive stepsize control. Relevant primary perturbing forces included in this mathematical model are the full force gravitational field model, Earth's atmospheric drag, third body gravitational effects and solar radiation pressure. Development of the high-precision model required accounting for the perturbing influences of Earth radiation pressure, Earth tides and relativistic effects. The model is then implemented to obtain a high-fidelity Earth orbiting satellite propagator, namely the Satellite Ephemeris Determiner (SED), which is comparable to the popular High Precision Orbit Propagator (HPOP). The architecture of SED, the methodology employed, and the numerical results obtained are presented.

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