Plane Multigraphs with One-Bend and Circular-Arc Edges of a Fixed Angle

Csaba D. Tóth

For an angle $\alpha\in (0,\pi)$, we consider plane graphs and multigraphs in which the edges are either (i) one-bend polylines with an angle $\alpha$ between the two edge segments, or (ii) circular arcs of central angle $2(\pi-\alpha)$. We derive upper and lower bounds on the maximum density of such graphs in terms of $\alpha$. As an application, we improve upon bounds for the number of edges in $\alpha AC_1^=$ graphs (i.e., graphs that can be drawn in the plane with one-bend edges such that any two crossing edges meet at angle $\alpha$). This is the first improvement on the size of $\alpha AC_1^=$ graphs in over a decade.

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