Recent methods for dynamic human reconstruction have attained promising reconstruction results. Most of these methods rely only on RGB color supervision without considering explicit geometric constraints. This leads to existing human reconstruction techniques being more prone to overfitting to color and causes geometrically inherent ambiguities, especially in the sparse multi-view setup. Motivated by recent advances in the field of monocular geometry prediction, we consider the geometric constraints of estimated depth and normals in the learning of neural implicit representation for dynamic human reconstruction. As a geometric regularization, this provides reliable yet explicit supervision information, and improves reconstruction quality. We also exploit several beneficial physical priors, such as adding noise into view direction and maximizing the density on the human surface. These priors ensure the color rendered along rays to be robust to view direction and reduce the inherent ambiguities of density estimated along rays. Experimental results demonstrate that depth and normal cues, predicted by human-specific monocular estimators, can provide effective supervision signals and render more accurate images. Finally, we also show that the proposed physical priors significantly reduce overfitting and improve the overall quality of novel view synthesis. Our code is available at:~\href{}{}.