Understanding EEG signals for subject-wise Definition of Armoni Activities

Aditya Singh, Ramin Ranjbarzadeh, Kislay Raj, Teerath Kumar, Arunabha M. Roy

In a growing world of technology, psychological disorders became a challenge to be solved. The methods used for cognitive stimulation are very conventional and based on one-way communication, which only relies on the material or method used for training of an individual. It doesn't use any kind of feedback from the individual to analyze the progress of the training process. We have proposed a closed-loop methodology to improve the cognitive state of a person with ID (Intellectual disability). We have used a platform named 'Armoni', for providing training to the intellectually disabled individuals. The learning is performed in a closed-loop by using feedback in the form of change in affective state. For feedback to the Armoni, an EEG (Electroencephalograph) headband is used. All the changes in EEG are observed and classified against the change in the mean and standard deviation value of all frequency bands of signal. This comparison is being helpful in defining every activity with respect to change in brain signals. In this paper, we have discussed the process of treatment of EEG signal and its definition against the different activities of Armoni. We have tested it on 6 different systems with different age groups and cognitive levels.

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