Yoshua Bengio

Affiliation: Unknown


  • On the difficulty of training Recurrent Neural Networks

    There are two widely known issues with properly training Recurrent Neural Networks, the vanishing and the exploding gradient problems detailed in Bengio et al. (1994). In this paper we attempt to improve the understanding of the underlying issues by exploring these problems from an analytical, a geometric and a dynamical …

  • Theano: new features and speed improvements

    Theano is a linear algebra compiler that optimizes a user's symbolically-specified mathematical computations to produce efficient low-level implementations. In this paper, we present new features and efficiency improvements to Theano, and benchmarks demonstrating Theano's performance relative to Torch7, a recently introduced machine learning library, and to RNNLM, a C++ library …

  • Texture Modeling with Convolutional Spike-and-Slab RBMs and Deep Extensions

    We apply the spike-and-slab Restricted Boltzmann Machine (ssRBM) to texture modeling. The ssRBM with tiled-convolution weight sharing (TssRBM) achieves or surpasses the state-of-the-art on texture synthesis and inpainting by parametric models. We also develop a novel RBM model with a spike-and-slab visible layer and binary variables in the hidden layer. …

  • Advances in Optimizing Recurrent Networks

    After a more than decade-long period of relatively little research activity in the area of recurrent neural networks, several new developments will be reviewed here that have allowed substantial progress both in understanding and in technical solutions towards more efficient training of recurrent networks. These advances have been motivated by …

  • High-dimensional sequence transduction

    We investigate the problem of transforming an input sequence into a high-dimensional output sequence in order to transcribe polyphonic audio music into symbolic notation. We introduce a probabilistic model based on a recurrent neural network that is able to learn realistic output distributions given the input and we devise an …

  • Joint Training of Deep Boltzmann Machines

    We introduce a new method for training deep Boltzmann machines jointly. Prior methods require an initial learning pass that trains the deep Boltzmann machine greedily, one layer at a time, or do not perform well on classifi- cation tasks.

  • A Semantic Matching Energy Function for Learning with Multi-relational Data

    Large-scale relational learning becomes crucial for handling the huge amounts of structured data generated daily in many application domains ranging from computational biology or information retrieval, to natural language processing. In this paper, we present a new neural network architecture designed to embed multi-relational graphs into a flexible continuous vector …

  • Metric-Free Natural Gradient for Joint-Training of Boltzmann Machines

    This paper introduces the Metric-Free Natural Gradient (MFNG) algorithm for training Boltzmann Machines. Similar in spirit to the Hessian-Free method of Martens [8], our algorithm belongs to the family of truncated Newton methods and exploits an efficient matrix-vector product to avoid explicitely storing the natural gradient metric $L$. This metric …

  • Joint Training Deep Boltzmann Machines for Classification

    We introduce a new method for training deep Boltzmann machines jointly. Prior methods of training DBMs require an initial learning pass that trains the model greedily, one layer at a time, or do not perform well on classification tasks. In our approach, we train all layers of the DBM simultaneously, …

  • Big Neural Networks Waste Capacity

    This article exposes the failure of some big neural networks to leverage added capacity to reduce underfitting. Past research suggest diminishing returns when increasing the size of neural networks. Our experiments on ImageNet LSVRC-2010 show that this may be due to the fact there are highly diminishing returns for capacity …