Yoshua Bengio

Affiliation: Unknown


  • Model evaluation for extreme risks

    Current approaches to building general-purpose AI systems tend to produce systems with both beneficial and harmful capabilities. Further progress in AI development could lead to capabilities that pose extreme risks, such as offensive cyber capabilities or strong manipulation skills. We explain why model evaluation is critical for addressing extreme risks. …

  • Let the Flows Tell: Solving Graph Combinatorial Optimization Problems with GFlowNets

    Combinatorial optimization (CO) problems are often NP-hard and thus out of reach for exact algorithms, making them a tempting domain to apply machine learning methods. The highly structured constraints in these problems can hinder either optimization or sampling directly in the solution space. On the other hand, GFlowNets have recently …

  • Attention Schema in Neural Agents

    Attention has become a common ingredient in deep learning architectures. It adds a dynamical selection of information on top of the static selection of information supported by weights. In the same way, we can imagine a higher-order informational filter built on top of attention: an Attention Schema (AS), namely, a …

  • Spotlight Attention: Robust Object-Centric Learning With a Spatial Locality Prior

    The aim of object-centric vision is to construct an explicit representation of the objects in a scene. This representation is obtained via a set of interchangeable modules called \emph{slots} or \emph{object files} that compete for local patches of an image. The competition has a weak inductive bias to preserve spatial …

  • Cycle Consistency Driven Object Discovery

    Developing deep learning models that effectively learn object-centric representations, akin to human cognition, remains a challenging task. Existing approaches have explored slot-based methods utilizing architectural priors or auxiliary information such as depth maps or flow maps to facilitate object discovery by representing objects as fixed-size vectors, called ``slots'' or ``object …

  • GEO-Bench: Toward Foundation Models for Earth Monitoring

    Recent progress in self-supervision has shown that pre-training large neural networks on vast amounts of unsupervised data can lead to substantial increases in generalization to downstream tasks. Such models, recently coined foundation models, have been transformational to the field of natural language processing. Variants have also been proposed for image …

  • DynGFN: Towards Bayesian Inference of Gene Regulatory Networks with GFlowNets

    One of the grand challenges of cell biology is inferring the gene regulatory network (GRN) which describes interactions between genes and their products that control gene expression and cellular function. We can treat this as a causal discovery problem but with two non-standard challenges: (1) regulatory networks are inherently cyclic …